Hope and Anticipation

Hope & Anticipation

“We get the messages notifying us of new events and jump online to reserve right away because everything is so exciting. We can’t do a lot of activities outside of HopeKids because it’s just so difficult [financially]. Events are something we can look forward to and anticipate.”

– Jenna, Taylor’s mom

According to our most recent survey…

We believe that hope is a powerful medicine. Most of us cannot imagine the costs, fears, emotions and isolation that hospital stays and surgeries impose on families. Parents often become overwhelmed with treatment and finances. Siblings can experience confusion, fear, and resentment as normal life activities and parental attentions are replaced with a difficult medical journey.

HopeKids hosts highly-anticipated, free, fun events for families who have a child with a life-­threatening medical condition. From live entertainment to private movie screenings, and amusement parks to sporting events, we offer a wide variety of activities for the whole family. We want to keep children and their families focused on the future rather than dwelling on what they are dealing with now (i.e. needle pokes, chemotherapy, blood transfusions and other painful experiences.)

Numerous studies reveal that hope and anticipation directly impact health and well­-being. One study published in the Journal of the National Medical Association found that “Hope can increase one’s overall ability to cope with stress by reducing fears and anxieties.”1

1. Alphonsus O. Obayuwana and Ann L. Carter, Journal of the National Medical Association, March 1982, 74(3): 229–234.

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